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Board of Selectmen/Planning Board Public Hearing Notice 1-13-2015
Legal Notice:   

Town of Newbury
Board of Selectmen
& Planning Board
Public Hearing Notice

Residents of the Town of Newbury and other interested persons please note that on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. at the Newbury Town Hall, 25 High Road, Newbury, MA, the Newbury Board of Selectmen and the Newbury Planning Board will hold a joint public hearing for a Water Supply Protection Overlay District Special Permit (Board of Selectmen) and for Site Plan Review Approval (Planning Board) for development of a mixed-use commercial building to house a yoga studio and support spaces, plus rental office units, on the property at 76 Newburyport Turnpike, Map R47, Parcel 16, as shown on the plan entitled “Site Plan of Land located in Newbury, Massachusetts," dated November 18, 2014, and described in supporting documents, prepared by Engineering Land Services, LLC, and David F. Jaquith, AIA, Architects, Applicant: Michael Houlihan, 15 Maple Terrace, Newbury, MA, Owner of Record: Tiffany R. Palmerino, P.O. Box 345, Prides Crossing, MA  01965, MA.  The Applications are on file for review during regular business hours with the Town Clerk, in the Selectmen’s Office, and in the Planning Office, 25 High Road, Newbury, MA.  For more information contact the Selectmen’s Office at 978-465-0862, ext. 302, or the Planning Office at 978-465-0862, ext. 312.  All persons interested or wishing to be heard relative to the proposed development should appear at the time and place designated above.

Geoffrey H. Walker, Chair       John Weis, Chair
Newbury Board of Selectmen      Newbury Planning Board